Emergency Measures for Breeding and Management of Broilers in Rainy Days in the South

Emergency Measures for Breeding and Management of Broilers in Rainy Days in the South

(Summary description) In May and June in the south, the continuous rainy, hot and humid air can easily induce a variety of diseases, which brings great difficulties to the breeding and management of the majority of chicken farmers. During the season, the following tasks should be done:

Emergency Measures for Breeding and Management of Broilers in Rainy Days in the South

(Summary description) In May and June in the south, the continuous rainy, hot and humid air can easily induce a variety of diseases, which brings great difficulties to the breeding and management of the majority of chicken farmers. During the season, the following tasks should be done:

In May and June in the south, the continuous rainy, hot and humid air can easily induce a variety of diseases, which brings great difficulties to the breeding and management of the majority of chicken farmers. During the season, the following tasks should be done:
1. Timely transfer of flocks and reinforcement of sheds
The sheds on low-lying plots should promptly transfer the flocks to idle sheds with higher terrain. It is necessary to reinforce the sheds and houses to eliminate potential safety hazards. For chicken sheds with serious water inflow, broilers have been soaked for a long time, have great stress, and have no breeding value, and should be negotiated with relevant cooperative units as soon as possible. For example, there are many wheat straw stacks in rural areas, which are dry after opening, and lay the bed in time. In addition, there are other processed straws and sawdust. To do frequent shop and change, keep dry as much as possible.
2. Strengthen the sanitation and disinfection of sheds
The humid environment is easy to breed pathogenic microorganisms, so it is necessary to do a good job in the disinfection of the shed. Commonly used disinfection drugs include chlorine preparations such as Weidao disinfectant, iodine preparations such as iodophor, and quaternary ammonium salts such as 100 poison. Disinfection measures, and at the same time do a good job of disinfection of drinking water to improve water quality, the above disinfection drugs are drank at a ratio of 1:3000 for 3 days.
3. Prevention of disease
1 Enteritis
Use neomycin sulfate, amoxicillin, gentamicin, acetoquine and other pharmaceutical preparations to drink water according to the product instructions for 4 to 5 days. The above drugs can be used in rotation.
2 Escherichia coli
Use apramycin, colistin, ofloxacin, amikacin and other pharmaceutical preparations for prevention and treatment for 4 to 5 days. The above drugs are used alternately, and the prevention and treatment effect is better.
3 Infectious serositis
Control the same as Escherichia coli.
4 Coccidiosis
Use diclazuril, toltrazuril, or sulfonamide for prevention and treatment. A course of 3 to 5 days, 2 consecutive courses. It should be noted that sulfa drugs should be used with caution in broilers under 2 weeks of age.
4. Do a good job in immunization
Poor environment and greater stress can easily reduce the level of the body's antibodies, so that it cannot resist the invasion of infectious diseases and become sick.
5. Strengthen nutrition and eliminate stress response
In recent times, pay attention to vitamin supplements, especially vitamin C. It is recommended to add vitamin C, 50-100 mg/catties of water, while using multivitamins or electrolytic multi-dimensional, which can improve the body's resistance and eliminate stress reactions. In daily management, it should be noted that when there is a power outage due to lightning or strong winds, more people should be engaged in management activities in the flock of shed poultry, which is an effective way to artificially eliminate the stress of livestock and poultry.
6. Harmless treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry
Livestock and poultry that died of stress and diseases are often the source of infection that causes epidemics, and they must not be disposed of at will. They must be burned and buried deep for harmless treatment.

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